Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar recently tied the knot in an intimate wedding with family and close friends. The couple had been dating for a few years now and they finally decided to be tied in a union. While the pictures weren’t released until earlier today, Shibani and Farhan were the ultimate unconventional couple that […]
Tag: Jade by Monica and Karishma
The bohemian (boho) trends have been on a surge these days and for all the right reasons. Essentially, these styles consist of a lot of floral designs and happen to be light and flowy. Boho trends have been evolving with minimal hassle and on-point style since day one and have made a major contribution to the fashion […]
If you have followed Mira Rajput’s style evolution over the years, you’ll know that the stunner has given us many coveted looks. She may not be an actor, but she has most certainly cemented her position as an influencer of sorts who keeps giving a bevy of young women sartorial ideas. The fact that she’s […]